Sunday, December 9, 2007

A Quiet Day and Very Good Dinner

Yesterday was wonderful; quiet, calm, and fun. Since the painters are done and the paint is dry, we didn't have to juggle the cars around so they could park their truck in the driveway, or worry about rain washing the paint off the house (it happened the other day).

We had a very good dinner of roast, rice, and gravy, one of Hans' favorites. I cooked the roast according to the cheap beef recipe in the latest (Jan/Feb '08) Cook's Illustrated, and it was very tasty and easy. The gravy was tricky, since this technique does not render any meat drippings. I cooked an onion in some butter until it was golden, then built the gravy on that. Luckily we have turkey stock from our deep fried Thanksgiving turkeys, so that helped a lot. The collard greens benefited from the stock as well, and although I cut back on the pepper vinegar, they were still quite sharply flavored from a good dose of cider vinegar. The greens were Jack's favorite part of dinner, and he ate a lot of them.

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