Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Shuffle repeat

We scored a hand-me-down cd player recently, and Hans hooked it up in Jack's room so Jack could play his cds. For the first few days Jack would put in a cd and then continually press next or back or pause, etc. Then he started messing with the function buttons, so sometimes I'll come in and find him listening to the same song over and over ("I just like it") or it'll be on shuffle and he'll have his face pressed against the display waiting for the song numbers to change.

A few mornings ago we heard him wake up at 5:45 or so. A few minutes later a Dead Can Dance cd started playing, and he tottered off to bed to listen while waiting for the clock to change to 6.

Jack's also been singing constantly, and his favorite songs include "Good Day Sunshine" and all of the They Might be Giants songs from ABC's and 123's.

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